Vinyl Vehicle Color Wraps and Accents For Tesla Automobiles Located In Chicago, IL

A white background with a few lines on it.

An Affordable Change In Style For Your Tesla With Vinyl Wrap

The ultimate in customization! When Tesla emerged on the scene here in Chicago, Illinois, only a handful of drivers picked up a Model S, Model X, or otherwise, and their sleek, futuristic look made them quite unique. But as their popularity has grown and the frequency at which you see a Tesla automobile on the streets of Chicago and surrounding communities has increased, the ability for you to stand out with a Tesla has certainly been minimized.

Some Tesla owners may be unphased by this, as their pride and joy looks exactly the way they want and regardless as to whether another Tesla owner local to Chicago has their same make, model, and color, they are satisfied. But if you find yourself being one that likes a little more flare, or a custom color not afforded to you by the base models Tesla currently manufactures, a vinyl vehicle wrap or accent can take your Tesla to the next level!

The vinyl vehicle wrap packages and accent details we perform here at Chicago Auto Pros are completely safe, affordable, and are sure to improve the aesthetic value of your Tesla by way of adding notable uniqueness not replicated anywhere else. Much like the installation of our XPEL Paint Protection Films and window tint films, the application process of any type of vinyl vehicle wrap to your Tesla has been tested and certified by industry professionals, providing you with a quality color change or detail improvement without any hassle.


Chicago Auto Pros - Tesla Vinyl Vehicle Wrap Benefits

Affordable Color Changes

Are you tired of the base white, blue, or burgundy color of your Tesla automobile? No, you do not have to have it repainted - the affordable and accessible option here at Chicago Auto Pros is to have it wrapped with a vinyl vehicle wrap! These products allow you to easily swap the complete color of your Tesla with ease, bringing the look of a brand new ride for a mere fraction of the cost.

Unique Accents or Graphic Additions

For some Tesla owners, a solid color is just not enough to please their palette. Our vinyl vehicle wraps can also provide you with special accents, such as racing stripes, gradient textures, and patterns. Additionally, commercial and fleet vehicles often come to us with the request to have their business information or custom graphics applied as a vinyl vehicle wrap. The originality for your Tesla is limitless!

Chrome Delete That Creates Subtle Detail

Often, a driver is looking for a more matte or satin finish, and in doing so, the shiny chrome emblems and trim pieces distract away from the soft, flat look of their new finish. Here at Chicago Auto Pros, we do offer additional chrome delete services for Tesla owners that utilize similar techniques. This service pairs nicely with our vinyl vehicle color change wraps, graphics, and accents.

A Whole New Look For Your Tesla Can Be Found Here At Chicago Auto Pros!

To install custom graphics, colorful vinyl vehicle wraps, accents like racing stripes, or to have the chrome surfaces of your exterior transformed to something less glossy, our professional and trained installation specialists here at Chicago Auto Pros have all bases covered! Simply fill out our FREE quick quote form today to get a custom estimate for what you need, though it is important to note that many of these projects are custom, so prices will vary. It is best to contact us first with any questions you have.

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